Our Foundations
All our work is based on three core foundations that evolution has given us,
and that are reinforced by science over and over again:
Strong emotional systems are fundamental for everyone. These powerful systems mean you can live from a position of curiosity, assertion, caring and connection, with safety and feeling good prioritised, and learning through the most effective tool of all – playfulness.
“When I ignore these systems – they come back to bite me, don’t they!”
– insight from a recent session
All living systems adapt to their environments moment by moment. Plasticity is a property of our body and brain. Our second foundation essentially means everyone can change, it is what you are designed to do – we help you move the blocks and reveal the natural ability you have inside to change.
“This is your birth right”
– Beatriz Sheldon, founder of therapeutic model, CIMBS
Connection lengthens and strengthens our life. Our third foundation emphasizes our innate capability to connect and the necessity of this for a long and healthy life is being shown repeatedly in research. Emotional connection, with ourselves, others and our world, is consistently linked to a healthier old age and recovery from illness, including chronic and debilitating conditions at all ages.
“Connection is essential to live longer, better.”
- Dr Jessica Bolton